Collection: Succulents

In botany, the word 'succulent' is more of a descriptor than a classification. Succulent is used to describe adaptations that allow plants to survive arid or 'low water' environments.

This could include some or all of the following:

  • Thicker or waxy leaves that are engorged with water
  • Absent or reduced leaves (typically cylindrical)
  • Photosynthesizing stems (not in the leaves!)
  • Waxy, 'hairy', or spiny outer surfaces
  • columnar or spherical growth ( usually with 'ribs' that allow for larger internal volume and less surface area to lose water from)
  • and more!

We, at Plant Goals, wish to educate but not confuse! You will find succulents you know and love in this category, alongside all other plants that have 'succulent' features (excluding cacti! They'll have their own collection). We're not going to worry about the nitty-gritty details, but if it has obvious succulent features, you'll find it here!


46 products